I've done it again, sweet readers. I neglected you. Through not writing, I also fear that I have neglected myself. I sit on a Monday in the Digital Process Lab- where art and design students go to get our images printed and vinyl cut and 3D prints made. I'm making the vinyl for our Senior Seminar show as I type. I've been tasked with installing this, and it will without a doubt be wonky and not placed correctly. Another semester of running full speed to the finish. It's disorienting, I feel like I don't know exactly how I got here. I have spent more time in studio over the last few months than I ever had before, and it might be the best feeling ever. "Get to work" was posted on the wall of my studio. A Jerry Saltz quote to fuel my burnout. Get to work. The time is now. and it's true! But the time is also for my other classes, my residency, my solo show, and my job that demands a minimum of 20 hours a week. I am getting to work, but this also means th...
Nuggets and Notions: A Grand Journey: Timescapes and Records from this Little Life