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I've done it again, sweet readers. I neglected you. Through not writing, I also fear that I have neglected myself.  I sit on a Monday in the Digital Process Lab- where art and design students go to get our images printed and vinyl cut and 3D prints made. I'm making the vinyl for our Senior Seminar show as I type. I've been tasked with installing this, and it will without a doubt be wonky and not placed correctly. Another semester of running full speed to the finish. It's disorienting, I feel like I don't know exactly how I got here. I have spent more time in studio over the last few months than I ever had before, and it might be the best feeling ever.  "Get to work" was posted on the wall of my studio. A Jerry Saltz quote to fuel my burnout. Get to work. The time is now. and it's true! But the time is also for my other classes, my residency, my solo show, and my job that demands a minimum of 20 hours a week. I am getting to work, but this also means th...

April 29: Burning the Fog

 Greetings,  We might be strangers again. I did not intend to put this blog down but my spring semester turned into a giant shit show. I haven't had time to shower and eat, let alone sit down and reflect. Well, this is the last week of my junior year. here I am, sent through the ringer. Finals approach and I'm faced with more time than I know what to do with and somehow even that manages to stress me out. What am I going to do with my time now that it's not full of work and school?  It is impossible to work two jobs and go to school full time, America. I hate that I have to do this in order to feed myself. Everyone around me feels the pressure too, we all hurt together. I burnout every winter, usually in march when it's been cold and snowy for too long. I cry on the phone with my mom, she usually doesn't know what to say other than,"i'm sorry." The burnout this year was significant, and I'm still very much in it. Everything takes a long time to do,...

NOVEMBER 12: THE END (of my time as a student in Wellington)

 Hello to all the beautiful people that read this (or skim, that's okay too) Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is Monday. On Tuesday I get on the Airport Express bus and go to the Wellington airport for a flight to Auckland. There, I will meet my parents, who I miss dearly. Two days later(on Thursday) My partner flies in. From there we start our epic roadtrip adventure through the North and South Islands. Oh, the excitement and joy for the prospect of being again with my most important people! Today was kind of like my last "free day". My last roommate moved out in the morning, we had a hug, and she took her last bags and shut the door for the final time. My other flatmate had left three days earlier. We all shed tears together. Time is not like sand in a glass. It is water. It has states, but eventually, it turns to steam. Flowing into the atmosphere and turning into some abstract cloud.  The issue with time is that the cloud will never rain again. Time is mist. Time is precious...

OCT 22: Recipe for Getting Work Done

  So, you've got a big writing assignment you've been stewing on for the past couple of weeks. Now it's due in two days and you know you're not fucked because you've got this flawless recipe that makes A's and won't tire you out. This method works for me, and it is the way that I've worked in school since I hit puberty. I pull out the "big guns" for writing assignments but employ the same way for working in every endeavor and project I do. Recipe Notes: Thinking time will vary based on the quantity and depth of work you must complete. It may take one day, It may be weeks. DO NOT EXHAUST YOURSELF unless if it's dire . if you feel the quality of your work declining, stop and go to bed.  Step 1: Think. Think about the project you have coming up and how you will complete it. Go over every component in your head, spend time thining about how you will write a paper, exactly what type of wood and what screws you will use for a construction projec...

October 17: alright folks, let's wrap this up

 tuesday is that day I have drawing the body. This tuesday was the last day that i had drawing the body. Pouring this morning. Pouring and hot and windy. I drag myself to class and somehow manage to get a start on my final paintings for Studio. We play a game of "where's the wall paint?" and I eat a can of tuna.  The day previous I was grumpy (and over the weekend I was outrageously grumpy.) Yet somehow still managed to make acceptable work for Drawing the Body and arrange my folio so it was ready for FINAL hand in.  I made impressive work today. Maybe I should be grumpy more often. Bed socks and berry ice cream. and maybe a beer at the end of the week to reward myself for being done with the semester.  weather will look better for the rest of the week. I just need to SLOWLY get my work down. pace myself. It takes time. posting this a day late. 

October 15: small victories

 Hello, Finally got to lay in the sand for an extended period of time last week. me, at the beach. Things that are great about the Beach:  -Dogs literally everywhere, and they are just un-well behaved enough to come visit you. Owners apologize profusely and I get to pet dogs. -The sun. It will not only make you feel better but it will also warm your body to the core, give your skin a glow, and will overall improve your life. -there is not better place to eat lunch than at the beach. -royalty free sleep sounds:ocean waves edition -makes you feel earthly and productive. Going outside has become an accomplishment in 2023 and that makes me severely sad. What am I going to do without the sea being 20 minutes away???? Shrivel up probably. Small accomplishments last week include: Riding the bus for the first time all by myself. -eating a carrot once every day -coffee intake going down slightly -deleting instagram from my phone. -keeping up with the news in a healthy way -treating mys...